Doing What We Love, So You Can Do What You Love
We are a mid-sized firm with a group of staff who values hard-work, honesty, and community integrity.
Our dedicated team listens to your accounting needs so you can focus on your business.
Our experience and commitment to continual professional development enables us to adapt to any regulation change and offer reliable advice for corporate decisions.
The Partners

Steven Muth
Steven was raised in a small farming community in central Alberta and moved to High River in 1993 to take a position as a junior accountant with the firm. He received his CGA designation in 1998 and became a partner in the firm in 1999. With the retirement of the firm’s founder, Eileen Malmberg, Steven became the sole owner in 2008 with other partners joining the firm in subsequent years. Outside of the office Steven enjoys spending time with his family, working in his yard and visiting with friends. In the past, Steven was chair of the Town of High River Economic Development Committee, and a board member for the Highwood Golf & Country Club. Presently he is serving as a board member of the High River & District Chamber of Commerce and serves on the National Management Committee for Porter Hétu International.

Mitch Miller
Mitch was raised in southern Alberta and moved to High River in 1998. He spent the next few years working in local government and manufacturing. In 2003 Mitch joined the firm as a junior accountant and bookkeeping supervisor. In 2010 Mitch obtained his bachelors of Accounting and Information Technology from SAIT and received his CGA designation in 2011. In February of 2014 Mitch became a partner of the firm. Outside of the office Mitch enjoys spending time with his family, reading, fishing, and trying to golf. His volunteering efforts have included serving on the Hi-Wood Meadows Housing Co-op board of directors and as the finance and IT director for a local church. Presently he is serving as a board member for the Highwood Golf & Country Club